If you want to see embroidery at its best, The Power of Stitch is on in Hamilton from 10 - 15 July at Waikato Diocesan School, Rever Road 9 am to 5 pm daily except sunday which is 4.00 pm close. Thursday 15 July is 12 Noon close.

Arts Post art gallery at 120 Victoria St has another exhibition running from 1 July to 3 August - opening times 10 to 4.30 daily. I have this piece called Lake Hawea in the Arts Post exhibition.

These exhibitions are run by the Waikato and NZ Embroideres' Guilds as the bi-annual Symposium.
Wright's Fabrics from Morinsville will be at the merchants mall at Albans Church Hall, Comries Road, Chartwell during the symposim.
I will be taking 3 classes over 4 days next week, so I will be happy but exhausted by Friday.
Talk to you next week.
Keep stitching.